
A blog for IIT(B)ians to share the wisdom of Bhagavad-Gita in the form of beautiful stories, poems & arts.

Wisdom is not the product of schooling but of the Lifelong attempt to acquire it.
-Albert Einstein
Notice: This week, post stories from the 3rd chapter.
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He and She pigeon.

Once there were two peagons, who were yogis in past life but were unable to achieve perfection, were sitting upon a branch of a tree.

A hunter came to shot the arrows upon them, which was noticed by the she pigeon. She informed her husband about the problem and they decided to flew away but they noticed an eagle flying above in search of food.

So they came to conclusion that the time of death has arrived and only taking shelter of Lord can help them. So, they started calling out Lord in helpless situation.

As soon as they started calling Lord, a snake came and bit the hunter, due to which he missed the target and the arrow he was shooting killed the eagle.

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