Narada Muni, who was once asked by a brahmana: “Oh, you are going
to meet the Lord? Will you please ask Him when I'm going to get my salvation?”
“All right,” Narada agreed. “I shall ask Him.”
As Narada proceeded, he met a cobbler who was sitting under a tree
mending shoes, and the cobbler similarly asked Narada, “Oh, you are going to
see God? Will you please inquire of Him when my salvation will come?”
When Narada Muni went to the Vaikuntha planets, he fulfilled their
request and asked Narayana (God) about the salvation of the brahmana and the
cobbler, and Narayana replied, “After leaving this body, the cobbler shall come
here to me.” “What about the brahmana?” Narada asked. “He will have
to remain there for a number of births. I do not know when he is
coming.” Narada Muni was astonished, and he finally said, “I can't understand
the mystery of this” “That you will see,” Narayana said. “When they ask
you what I am doing in My abode, tell them that I am threading the eye of a
needle with an elephant.”
When Narada returned to earth and approached the brahmana,
the brahmana said, “Oh, you have seen the Lord? What was He doing?” “He
was threading an elephant through the eye of a needle,” Narada
answered. “I don't believe such nonsense,” the brahmana replied. Narada
could immediately understand that the man had no faith and that he was simply a
reader of books. Narada then left and went on to the cobbler, who asked
him, “Oh, you have seen the Lord? Tell me, what was He doing?” “He was
threading an elephant through the eye of a needle,” Narada replied. The
cobbler began to weep, “Oh, my Lord is so wonderful, He can do anything.”

B.G 3.3
loke ’smin
dvi-vidhā niṣṭhā
purā proktā mayānagha
jñāna-yogena sāṅkhyānāṁ
karma-yogena yoginām
purā proktā mayānagha
jñāna-yogena sāṅkhyānāṁ
karma-yogena yoginām
The Supreme
Personality of Godhead said: O sinless Arjuna, I have already explained that
there are two classes of men who try to realize the self. Some are inclined to
understand it by empirical, philosophical speculation, and others by devotional
The cobbler
was linking his simple work to devotion of God and had high realizations of God
whereas Brahmana although engaged directly in acts of studies of vedas and acts
of worship yet could not connect it to devotion of God and thus lacked faith
and understanding of powers of God.
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